Thursday, 26 March 2009

Back to moneyLounge

Now that Number Invaders is finally out I have resumed work on moneyLounge with the aim of finishing off all existing functionality, closing the final few bugs and getting it out to some users for alpha testing.  I knocked together a icon/logo for the software last night which can be seen in all it's hi resolution glory here. One of the challenges with Mac Programming is that as a developer you have a very high self expectation to build software that looks really great. Actually achieving this can be quite a challenge as, after all, we are coders and not graphics designers or artists. I managed to get myself on a Photoshop Introductory course over the weekend and it's helped immensely, in that now I'm able to do most of my in-application icon, button and graphics myself and do a reasonably good job. It's a real boost to the confidence when you're working on developing an application that doesn't just work well but also looks good. I'll try and post a few more screen shots once I've finished the various final odds and ends to get this all working. Once done it'll be onto the next iPhone App, something I'm really looking forward to.

Friday, 20 March 2009

Number Invaders is live on the App Store

Whatever rumors you may have heard about App Store approvals recently taking a long time I can confirm that in my case it took almost exactly one week to go from submission to approval. Once you get past the hurdle of preparing all your assets and assuming that you have a bug free and leak free App it seems that Apple is quite quick in approving free Apps. When they've approved it you get sent an email from iTunes Connect saying that your App is "Ready for Sale" and is apparently on the App Store. However, it does seem to take a while for the App Store Search Indexing to figure out your App exists as over the first 24 hours I actually had quite a hard time finding Number Invaders and could only search for it using the company name "eLounge". Now it is coming up properly with a search on "Number Invaders". It's also quick amazing to see how quickly the game gets spread over the internet and it's fun reading comments of others about the game. I've had a couple of feedbacks so far related to the high quality of the graphics but the rather poor quality of the sound. If I could just get my hands on the real thing to record the sound I'll send thru an update with decent sound effects. 

Still, it's a real buzz to have finally published a piece of software that is actually used by real people rather then just big corporations and it's a real spur for the next iPhone project (whatever that may be).

Wednesday, 18 March 2009 is up

In order to get your iPhone App on the App Store you need to provide Apple with a support website. This was a bit of a problem for me as although I've reserved I haven't got around to paying for the hosting of it yet. For the time being I've borrowed space on a friend's website and elounge can be found at The webpages themselves were developed quickly one morning using iWeb, which comes packaged with iLife on all Macs. I was very impressed with iWeb. I've tried building websites before and as a beginner I've found iWeb to be by far the easiest to learn and use. More content will be provided soon but for now it's onto iPhone SDK 3.0 and the next big thing.

Sunday, 15 March 2009

Submission complete

nInvaders has been submitted to Apple as of 11 March. I've read a few horror stories about the backlog of iPhone App approvals which Apple is having to deal with so I'm not exactly waiting with bated breath for any feedback, but will put a post up as soon as any arrives. The whole process to submit the App was a little laborious. If I were to do it again it make sure I had the 512x512x72 blowup of the icon ready to go, the write up complete and the screen shots taken. Apple has a presentation video on the iPhone Connection website which is very handy in preparing you for all the assets you need to have in place before you can successfully submit your App.
Now that that's done it's back to moneyLounge development. I was never very happy with the presentation of the Tree View so I'm doing a little rework of that interface to clean it up. Next Saturday I also have a photoshop course to attend so I'm hoping that'll speed up my graphics development and make everything a whole lot prettier. It's all very well to have a elegant set of classes and data structures but no one really sees that - a nice icon and some fancy pictures makes all the difference.

Thursday, 5 March 2009


My first iPhone App is now complete and ready to be submitted to Apple for the iStore review. Some awesome graphics work from Sam Douglas over the past week has given a real sparkle to the game, including the neat little icon shown here. Now I just need to get a bigger version of icon made of the iTunes Store and a webpage thrown together and it'll be all good to go. It should be neat seeing people actually downloading it and since it'll be free we're assured of some market.