Tuesday, 2 December 2008


Having left my contract at Telecom I've had a little extra time to work on moneyLounge and I'm pretty happy with the results, it's starting to look and feel like a real application. The attached screenshot shows a few new features. I've added a ticker in the bottom left of the screen. This fades in and out details for various accounts/investments or categories that the user might be interested in. For example it can show price changes in an investment, how your net worth has changed in the month or how an account balance changed. The background of the ticker was created using a Quartz Composer Gradient interpolation and the effect is to give a subtle change of light intensity, as if a light is passing over the ticker. Most of the recent changes however have been made to the background code, mainly design tidy ups. I still need to implement a drag-drop facility to enable the user to grab an account or investment and drop it into the ticker to update it. Rather then using a Application Controller to manage all on screen objects I've divided the work up into a bunch of controllers for the different types of data objects, all of which are inherited from a generic moneyLounge controller. Some of the early objects I created have also had their interface tidied up and making changes or adding enhancements has become much easier with the cleaned up design. I've also begun methodical debugging of the code and am uncovering bugs underneath every stone that is unturned. Fortunately there's been no show-stoppers yet but next time I do something like this there will be a detailed design written before I start any coding.
Features requiring implementation include:
1. Complete the ticker
2. Various Universal graphs like Net Worth, Passive Income, Investment Performance.
3. File Export to QIF.
4. OCX load
5. Import share price history from CSV
6. Reinvestment dividends
7. Loan accounts
8. Color associations with Accounts and Investments.
9. (other stuff I haven't thought of just yet)
10. A design with the nine points I've mentioned above fleshed out properly

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