Sunday, 24 February 2008

MoneyLounge gets a Drawer

To the right is the latest screen shot of MoneyLounge. Progress has been somewhat slow over the past 10 days but a few enhancements have been made. The most visual addition has been the implementation of a Drawer, to the right of the window. When you click on a transaction the drawer opens upon allowing you to edit the details of the transaction. For example you can change the Payee from "Woolworths" to "New World" or the amount. You can also add and remove accounts. Most importantly I've made some changes to the way that the data is stored. Since I'm new to Mac development I've been developing MoneyLounge with a very much iterative prototyping approach, and I have hit a few roadblocks that have meant that I've needed to alter the underlying classes and data structures. Hopefully now everything is in better shape and this should speed up future work. As always the biggest problem has been memory allocation and trying to debug segmentation faults and core dumps. I still haven't got my head around this aspect of Cocoa development yet and am debugging with a trial and error approach.

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